Tuesday, October 5, 2010

turkey burger

Here's last night's dinner. :)  Turkey burgers with lettuce, onion, and a yummy spread. (a little sour cream mixed with taco seasoning)  It was so simple and so good!

Yesterday, JJ and I went for a run in our new neighborhood.  It was sooo nice out!  We couldn't believe there was actually a chill in the air.  I also signed up for a half-marathon in December.  I'm now committed.  $45 committed. :)

So, how will I go about training?  The answer...Hal Higdon.  :)  Hal Higdon is an awesome guide to a successful training program that will make a half-marathon a delight.  http://www.halhigdon.com/halfmarathon/index.htm  JJ and I used his guide for the only other long race we've done before and I was smiling the whole way...because it was just that great. :)

Check him out!

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