Wednesday, October 6, 2010

morning run and muffins!

I feel like I've had one of the most productive mornings in my history. :)  I got up and was in the car at 5:44 a.m. to meet a couple gals for a run and went home to bake some blueberry muffins.  JJ was so surprised to see them on the stove this morning.  So, here's to him. :) 

It was an absolutely great time to run.  The stars were still out, the air was super crisp, and I even got to pass by Carrie and Dru a couple times! 

I went home feeling super energized, which was totally opposite of my plan to go back to bed when I got home. :)  The friend I run with is a great running partner! We stay at the same pace, enjoy fun conversation and really makes me remember why I love running!  I think everyone should have someone like that. :)

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